
shawm [ʃɔ:m]  [ʃɔ:m] 

shawm 基本解释
shawm 网络解释

1. 木笛的前身:shawl /围巾/披肩/ | shawm /木笛的前身/ | shawnee /肖尼/

2. 有双吹口的古代管乐器 (双簧管的前身) (名):shaw 杂木林 (名) | shawm 有双吹口的古代管乐器 (双簧管的前身) (名) | Shawnee 美国萧尼族印第安人; 萧尼语 (名)

shawm 双语例句

1. Shawm Festival is a traditional festival for the Miao people.


2. The bass member of the shawm family.

3. A large shawm; the bass member of the shawm family.

4. Shawm Steil said that the lovely pandas left deep impression on him on his trip here years ago. And now the pandas have already had grandchildren!


5. In Arabic music, a mizmar is any single or double reed wind instrument. In Egypt, the term mizmar usually refers to the conical shawm that is called zurna in Turkey.

6. Among them, the consulate Mr. Shawm Steil will give a lecture on Sino-Canada cooperation and Mrs Steil, a doctor from Toronto Univerty will give a lecture on Canadian drama.

7. Huge-headdressed Beijing opera singers twirling their long sleeves while a guy dressed as a monkey bounces around the stage eating a peach, accompanied by hella loud gongs and a blaring shawm Yawn, so last 500 years.

shawm 英英释义



1. shawm是什么意思

1. a medieval oboe
