
shattering [ˈʃætərɪŋ] ['ʃætəriŋ] 







shattering 基本解释
shattering 网络解释


1. 震动;破碎:shattered zone 碎裂带 | shattering 震动;破碎 | shattering effect 破裂效应

2. 破碎:shapiro step 夏皮罗级 | shattering 破碎 | shear 剪切

3. 震裂:碎裂带 shatter belt | 震裂 shattering | 剪应力 ; 切应力 shear stress

4. 粉碎理论:shatterdisintergationknapknappspall 打碎 | shattering 粉碎理论 | shattering 震裂

shattering 单语例句

1. shattering是什么意思

1. A small package bomb has exploded outside the Indonesian embassy in Paris before dawn, slightly injuring 10 people and shattering nearby windows.

2. A series of food safety scandals have erupted in China in recent years, shattering consumers'confidence in domestic food products.

3. An Iranian passenger plane carrying 168 people crashed shortly after takeoff Wednesday, smashing into a field northwest of the capital and shattering into flaming pieces.

4. shattering的解释

4. Chengdu fans pelted the Shenyang bus with stones after the match, shattering the windows and sending glass into Feng's eye.

5. shattering的反义词

5. A witness said she saw glass shattering on the floor below and then a broken pipe spurting hot water.

6. Her next problem was that the cloth she found was too shiny, shattering the illusion of age that she wanted.

7. shattering

7. Two men rammed the Jeep into the airport entrance, shattering the glass doors and igniting a raging fire.

8. Timberlake was also nominated for male artist of the year and " most earth shattering collaboration " for pairing with Timbaland for Sexy Back.

9. There was no perfection to be found at Hamilton House, yet there was no sense of hearts shattering upon leaving.

10. At least 34 companies have released revisions to their reports in October, shattering the confidence of investors in reliability of such reports.

shattering 英英释义



1. the act of breaking something into small pieces

    Synonym: smashing


1. seemingly loud enough to break something
    violently rattling or clattering

    e.g. shattering rain striking the windowpanes
           the shattering tones of the enormous carillon
           the shattering peal of artillery
