
shattered [ˈʃætəd]  [ˈʃætərd] 







shattered 基本解释
shattered 网络解释

1. 爱人别出声:此后他又拍摄了科幻冒险电影<<第五惑星>>(Enemy Mine),并翻拍了希区柯克的悬念电影<<爱人别出声>>(Shattered). 沃尔夫冈最近反响不俗的作品有讲述劫持总统专机的<<空军一号>>(Air Force One)、讲述遇难渔船故事的<<完美风暴>>(The Perfect Storm)和灾难大片<<海神号

2. 移魂劫:Sharky's Machine 特警沙基 1982 | Shattered 移魂劫 1991 | Shawshank Redemption, The 月黑高飞(刺激1995) 1995

3. 粉碎:05 Just My Imagination 我的幻想 | 06 Shattered 粉碎 | 07 Desperate Andy 安迪

4. 藍 綠 帶 淡 紫 光:Roach 深 啡 帶 金 光 | Shattered 藍 綠 帶 淡 紫 光 | Smog 深 橄 欖 帶 銅 光

shattered 单语例句

1. Canal 7 showed footage with shattered glass carpeting a side street leading to the ornate colonial legislative palace.


2. At the height of the inferno, some city center windows were shattered by the intense heat.

3. The blast in Marjah Square near the Iranian Cultural Center left blood and shattered glass on the road.

4. The flavor of fresh oyster was enhanced by champagne foam and the pieces of " pearl ", which is easily shattered by a touch of the spoon.

5. But their joy was shattered last March when the baby began to choke and could not breathe.

6. shattered

6. Windows were shattered and metal doors were damaged up to a kilometer away, and steel structural debris from the warehouses was found close by.

7. Shutters on the building adjacent to the blast were torn off and windows in shops, homes and a bus shattered over the sidewalk and street.

8. TV pictures showed glass bottles shattered on a convenience store floor and a TV newsroom with video tapes thrown from shelves.

9. Other shots showed collapsed buildings and shops with shattered windows, streets cluttered with roof tiles and roads with cracked pavement.

10. Johnson was able to roll out from under the collapsed debris but cut her foot on glass from a shattered window.

shattered 英英释义


1. ruined or disrupted

    e.g. our shattered dreams of peace and prosperity
           a tattered remnant of its former strength
           my torn and tattered past

    Synonym: tattered
