1. 缝合针:sewer 阴沟,下水道 | sewing needle 缝合针 | sex 性别
2. 手缝针:sewing machine 缝纫机 | sewing needle 手缝针 | sewing scissors 缝纫剪
3. 缝纫机针:sewing machine oil 缝纫机油 | sewing needle 缝纫机针 | sextant 六分仪
4. 缝纫针:sewing machine 缝纫机 | sewing needle 缝纫针 | sewing silk 缝纫丝线
1. And it would have to be wrapped carefully, as today's sewing machines are computers as well as needle pushers.
2. Gao enjoys sewing, but has never liked having to ask others to thread the needle.
1. slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest
adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.
Synonym: dragonfly darning needle devil's darning needle snake feeder snake doctor mosquito hawk skeeter hawk
2. a needle used in sewing to pull thread through cloth