
serving [ˈsɜ:vɪŋ]  [ˈsɜ:rvɪŋ] 


serving 基本解释

名词服务; 上菜; (食物或饮料的)一份


动词提供; (为…)服务( serve的现在分词); 任(职); 端上

serving 网络解释


1. 服务:在这块利基市场,防卫者发展高度成本-效率卫者成功主要来自有效率的服务 ( serving) 一个稳定的领域,前瞻者主要的能力在中改变 (change) 的制造者. 改变是前瞻者用来超越竞争者的主要工具之一,因此定. 为服务 (serving) 持续改变的产品领域,

2. 发球:能力值的计量长短代表该网球拍的特性当右上方的精力计量条(STAMINA)出现闪烁时,必须来这选项好好休息一下,休息共分成三种方式:提升能力值:发球(Serving)能力提升能力值:发球(Serving)的能力提升能力值:

3. (服务/侍候):Sensory deprivation(感观剥夺/感觉剥夺) | Serving(服务/侍候) | Serving as art(作为艺术品服伺)

4. 电缆外皮:service voltage ==> 供电电压 | serving ==> 电缆外皮 | servo actuator ==> 伺服传动机构

serving 词典解释

1. (供一个人吃的)一份食物的量
    A serving is an amount of food that is given to one person at a meal.

    e.g. Quantities will vary according to how many servings of soup you want to prepare...
    e.g. Each serving contains 240 calories.
           每份食物含 240 卡热量。

2. serving

2. (勺子、盘子)分菜用的,上菜用的
    A serving spoon or dish is used for giving out food at a meal.

    e.g. Pile the potatoes into a warm serving dish.

serving 单语例句

1. He was serving as the manager of a cow propagating business based in Dahe Township of Luquan City.

2. This is a stern message serving notice that any unconstitutional act will not be tolerated.

3. The company has said that the donation is an act to honor its promises of serving Africa and help Rwanda develop information and technology industry.


4. McCain has said publicly he had no intention of serving as vice president, at times leaving the door open just enough to create a constant buzz.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. Lau's appointment was officially announced on Thursday by the Chief Executive's Office, following his failed reelection bid after serving four years in the Legislative Council.


6. Finding better ways of responding to the needs of communities by placing them at the heart of development is critical to serving them well.

7. serving的反义词

7. The government is composed of seven members elected by the Federal Assembly that take turns serving as president.

8. Earnshaw was serving as a Merchant Navy cabin boy when he died.

9. Scene a Cafe at China World Hotel is serving up a noodle feast - from Beijing noodles to Singaporean laksa - and wok dishes.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. Abadia is currently serving his term in Brazil's Campo Grande Federal Penitentiary.

serving 英英释义



1. serving什么意思

1. the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone

    e.g. he accepted service of the subpoena

    Synonym: service service of process

2. serving的翻译

2. an individual quantity of food or drink taken as part of a meal

    e.g. the helpings were all small
           his portion was larger than hers
           there's enough for two servings each

    Synonym: helping portion
