service sector

service sector [ˈsɜːvɪs ˈsektə]  ['sɝvɪs ˈsɛktɚ] 

service sector 基本解释
service sector 网络解释


1. 服务业:本书所研究的服务业(service sector),其外延与第三产业(tertiaryindustry)相同. 从严格意义上来讲,第三产业和服务业内涵的侧重点不同(前者采取剩余法,强调产业属性,后者则强调服务内涵),但二者的外延却是一样的. 本书把服务业与第三产业当作同义词使用,

2. 服務業 字串:Operation Research運籌學 字串9 | Service Sector 服務業 字串1 | Operation Management運作管理 字串7

3. 第三产业:地区差异 regional disparity | 第三产业service sector | 电脑犯罪 computer crime

service sector 单语例句

1. " The World Expo 2010 will provide the city's service sector with a huge business opportunity, " said the official.

2. service sector的反义词

2. The HSBC Business School aims to provide society with talents in the financial service sector.

3. service sector的翻译

3. He urged the government to provide more support for SMEs through financing and tax means, such as waiving the business tax on the service sector.

4. The main reason for the slow development of the service industry is the high business tax on this sector.

5. The municipal government has set a goal for the service sector to account for 45 percent of the city's gross domestic product by 2011.

6. service sector的反义词

6. A joint statement was issued at last week's summit calling for the cooperation in industry, research and development and the service sector as well as mutual investment.

7. About half of last year's capital inflow went into the service sector, compared with 28 percent in 2003.

8. The video focused on the career of Chinese born after 1990 and the change in the service sector.

9. China's holidays are an essential catalyst for the development of the service sector and service brand building and necessity is the mother of invention.

10. Private sector partners would then be invited to deliver the actual service.
