
sender [ˈsendə(r)]  ['sendər] 


sender 基本解释

名词寄件人; [信]发报机,发射机,发送机,送话器; 发送人; (天线)引向器

sender 同义词



sender 反义词



sender 网络解释


1. 发送者:在c#或者说.net的事件处理机制中,有三个关键的概念 - 事件(event),委托(delegate)和处理器(handler),另外在面向对象的背景中,还有另外两个概念 - 发送者(sender),接收者(receiver).

2. 发信人:则表明传输有误,必须重发.电子邮件一般由两部分组成:邮件头(mail header)和邮件体(mail body),分别相当于普通信件的信封和信纸.其中,邮件头包括以下几方面.⑦ Valid Domains选项卡.通过检查发信人(Sender)或回复(Reply

3. 发送人:他们认为,交际是人与人之间在一定场境下进行思想、信息等方面的交流活动,它受到场景、交流内容、发送人(sender)和接受人(receiver)的文化修养,交流意图与沟通方式等多种因素的制约,交际活的双方必须根据这些制约因素去选用适合当时当地的语言,

sender 词典解释

1. (信件、包裹的)寄件人,邮寄人;(无线电报的)发送人
    The sender of a letter, package, or radio message is the person who sent it.

    e.g. The sender of the best letter every week will win a cheque for £20.
           每周寄来的作品中,最优秀者将赢得 20 英镑的支票。

sender 单语例句

1. The " real name " policy requires the sender to show their identity card to the express delivery company whenever there is a parcel to be sent.

2. The atmosphere was perfectly romantic when the sender arrived and I stood there grinning like a Cheshire cat as photos were taken.

3. sender的解释

3. Police were unable to immediately track the sender so allowed the paintings to continue on their journey in the hope of catching the receivers.

4. The sender provides only his email address and the number of an online messenger called QQ for contact.

5. The driver took the TV set back to his house, hoping to return it to the sender the next day.

6. sender的意思

6. Every parcel will first be checked at the post office in front of the sender.

7. The envelope was stamped with " Return to sender " and " Found in supposedly empty mailbox, " the newspaper said.

8. sender

8. I never read them carefully, not even the sender's name.

9. The sender of the leaked messages is now offline and the chat group has closed.

10. sender

10. Under a Defense Department policy, ordinary mail addressed to " any soldier " has to be returned to the sender.

sender 英英释义



1. sender的近义词

1. set used to broadcast radio or tv signals

    Synonym: transmitter

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. someone who transmits a message

    e.g. return to sender

    Synonym: transmitter
