send for

send for [send fɔ:]  [sɛnd fɔr] 

send for 基本解释

send for

召唤; 派人去取; 申请; 订购

send for 相关例句


1. Send for the doctor, please.

send for 情景对话


A:We‘re ready to take your order now.

B:We want to try this component as a sample.

A:I can send one for you to try .

B:Yes , please do that .

send for 网络解释

send for的意思

1. 派人去请;召唤;索取:see to注意,负责,照料,修理 | send for派人去请,召唤;索取 | send in呈报,递交,送来

2. 派人去请:10.break into破门而入,闯入; | 11.send for派人去请; | 12.leave school毕业;

3. 召唤:send down 下降 | send for 召唤 | send forth 发出

4. 派人去请(叫):116)set an example for 为......树立榜样 | 117)send for 派人去请(叫) | 118)send out 放出,发出

send for 词典解释
send for的意思

1. 请…来;派人去叫
    If you send for someone, you send them a message asking them to come and see you.

    e.g. I've sent for the doctor.

2. send for的反义词

2. 去信索要;寄信索取
    If you send for something, you write and ask for it to be sent to you.

    e.g. Send for your free catalogue today.

send for 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. When production companies send out a casting call for extras, agents at the actors'union look into their databases to match talent to roles.

2. send for的近义词

2. At least one opposition party is calling for the government to reverse its decision to send troops.

3. An international consultant who works on a ministry training project said he recently needed to send several Afghan employees to Canada for software training.

4. send for的反义词

4. The witty and carefree hosts throw out a topic everyday for listeners to send in mobile messages.

5. send for

5. The North Carolina senator was planning to send a letter to his delegates asking them to vote for Kerry on the first convention ballot.

6. send for的解释

6. For all those special people on our Christmas gift list, send the sweat threats to help spread the joyous holiday cheer.

7. The hope is that the higher speed will open up the market for larger orders, like running off photos to send out with the family Christmas card.

8. Hong also called on the Philippines to get back on the right track for a diplomatic resolution and send " clear and consistent messages " for it.

9. send for的意思

9. Russia announced it would send more warships to combat piracy and also called for an international ground military operation to crush piracy.

10. The seller sent the student a remittance homepage for the discounted product and asked him to send 1 yuan in advance.

send for 英英释义


1. order, request, or command to come

    e.g. She was called into the director's office
           Call the police!

    Synonym: call
