send away

send away [send əˈwei]  [sɛnd əˈwe] 

send away 基本解释

遣走,解雇; 遣散; 发付

send away 相关例句

send away的解释


1. He sent his son away to school in Germany.

send away 网络解释

1. 派遣, 驱逐, 解雇:855. send up 把...往上送;发射 | 856. send away派遣, 驱逐, 解雇 | 857. sense of humor幽默感

2. 撵走,开除,解雇:702. see you tomorrow 明天见 | 703. send away 撵走,开除,解雇 | 704. seem like 看起来像

3. 发送:send away for 函购 | send away 发送 | send back 退还

4. 赶走,开除,解雇:run away 逃走,(颜色)褪色,溃逃;私奔 | send away 赶走,开除,解雇 | take away 带走,夺去

send away 单语例句

1. He can make payments and send money to family members who live far away.

2. Nasa plans to send a lunar rover car with the astronauts to send them even further away from base in exploring the Moon.

3. The family could not afford to send her away for further study.

4. Still, no one seems to want the university to send him away.

5. Xiao Fang said she had tried to send the dog away in the first place, but failed.

6. send away的意思

6. But they still send their children away to school in Hong Kong each day, as they think the quality of education there is better than in Shenzhen.

7. send away是什么意思

7. They threatened Zhang with violence and he had to send his wife and daughters away for safety.

8. He chose to send his son to a cheaper kindergarten more than 20 km away.

9. Liu said she has already been putting money away to send her son to study abroad after he graduates from high school.

10. Obama is still weeks away from deciding whether to send more troops.

send away 英英释义


1. terminate the employment of
    discharge from an office or position

    e.g. The boss fired his secretary today
           The company terminated 25% of its workers

    Synonym: displace fire give notice can dismiss give the axe sack force out give the sack terminate

2. stop associating with

    e.g. They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock

    Synonym: dismiss send packing drop
