
seizing ['si:zɪŋ]  ['si:zɪŋ] 





seizing 基本解释


名词抓; 扣押; 夺; 捆绑

动词抓住( seize的现在分词 ); 逮捕; 捉拿; 俘获

seizing 网络解释


1. 抓:seize 抓住 | seizing 抓 | seizure delay method 延迟胶住法

2. 用于捆扎的绳索、捆扎物:seismometry 地振学 | seizing 用于捆扎的绳索、捆扎物 | selected evacuation 局部疏散

3. 磨损:seismographexplosives 地震探矿用炸药 | seizing 磨损 | selagite 黑云粗面岩

4. 卡住:seizing 缠扎绑扎法;捕捉;查封 | seizing 卡住 | seizor 占有人;扣押者;没收者

seizing 单语例句

1. Guangzhou police also successfully busted a weapon sales gang, detaining 11 suspects and seizing 15 pistols during the campaign.

2. Abbas'troops failed to prevent Hamas militants from seizing the Gaza Strip by force in June.

3. Police dragged some away and clubbed a journalist, smashing her glasses and seizing her camera.

4. He said such collaboration will also play a positive role in seizing corrupt officials who took public funds and are at large in foreign countries.

5. Conte has ruled the former French colony since seizing power during a 1984 military coup.

6. The specialists were charged with abusing their positions as referees by seizing opportunities to profit instead of matching up compatible buy and sell orders.

7. At a time of global economic turmoil and volatile energy prices, the argument for seizing the initiative on energy efficiency becomes even more compelling.

8. seizing的近义词

8. Kidnappers have found the poorly protected drivers easy targets, seizing them at will with little concern about their country of origin.

9. Russian authorities have raided the market several times in recent years, seizing goods shipped under the " gray customs clearance ".

10. Pirates were defiant though, vowing the events would not stop them form seizing more ships.

seizing 英英释义



1. the act of gripping something firmly with the hands (or the tentacles)

    Synonym: grasping taking hold prehension

2. small stuff that is used for lashing two or more ropes together
