
sedation [sɪˈdeɪʃn]  [sɪˈdeʃən] 

sedation 基本解释


sedation 网络解释


1. 镇静:正面左侧表现了乌克兰Krzemieniec的小屋(诗人在那里出生,正面右侧标注了诗人的生卒年份(1809-1849背面正中是斯洛瓦茨基作品<<镇静>>(Sedation)手稿的部分图案,左侧是矗立在华沙城堡广场上的波兰立陶宛联邦国王西格蒙德三世(Sigismund III Vasa)的雕像,

2. 镇静剂:镇静剂(Sedation)在海拔3000米以下的伤患,如果没有脑部创伤或者疾患,可以服用镇静剂帮助睡眠. 但是,在更高的海拔这不应该使用镇静药物,这类药物会抑制睡眠中伤患的血液携氧效率从而加重高原反应的症状. 高原反应带来的失眠和夜间呼吸不规则,

3. 镇静酌:secundipara 二产妇 | sedation 镇静酌 | sedative 镇静剂

4. 镇静作用,镇静状态:secretion 分泌作用,分泌物 | sedation 镇静作用,镇静状态 | sedative 镇静的,镇静药

sedation 词典解释

1. (服镇静剂后的)镇静(状态)
    If someone is under sedation, they have been given medicine or drugs in order to calm them or make them sleep.

    e.g. His mother was under sedation after the boy's body was brought back from Germany.

sedation 单语例句

1. " The worst disasters occur in sedation and they occur when people cut corners, " Shafer said.

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2. He came off sedation on Monday and was recognizing family members and answering questions appropriately, a hospital statement said.

3. Now she is being kept in a medically induced coma, deep sedation that rests her brain.


4. Maradona had been kept under sedation in the intensive care unit of the hospital while he fought symptoms associated with coming off drugs.


5. Doctors periodically lift her sedation to do tests and said she continues to respond well to commands.

6. Manny is in a critical condition and remains under sedation on Saturday, doctors from the Mount Elizabeth Hospital said.

7. Doctors have been reducing his sedation to try to bring him out of a coma and assess brain damage from a January 4 stroke.

sedation 英英释义


1. the administration of a sedative agent or drug

    Synonym: drugging

2. sedation的解释

2. a state of reduced excitement or anxiety that is induced by the administrative of a sedative agent
