
sect [sekt]  [sɛkt]


sect 基本解释


名词宗派,教派; 学派,党派

sect 网络解释

1. sect:section; 断面

sect 词典解释

1. 派别;宗派;教派;党派
    A sect is a group of people that has separated from a larger group and has a particular set of religious or political beliefs.

sect 单语例句

1. A leader from the Catholic sect cited the controversy over Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ as a reason to not protest too loudly.

2. The Mujahedeen of the Victorious Sect posted the threat on an Islamic Web site known as a clearing house for militant messages.

3. But critics of the program say that despite its focus on a fundamentalist sect, the TV show sometimes blurs the distinction between it and the church.


4. While the Shiites themselves are battling for control of the sect and its future, there was no evidence the bombing was the work of the younger Shiite faction.

5. The sect's doctor is charged only with misdemeanor counts of failure to report child abuse.

6. The sect's leader Mohammed Yusuf and his alleged financier Buji Foi were killed in a counter attack by the security operatives.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. But many fundamentalist Christians consider Romney's religion a sect and not Christian.

8. The suspected " Almighty God " cult members were arrested in Henan province where the sect was founded in 1990.

9. And the sheriff had an informant for four years who was feeding him information about life inside the sect.

10. It is a famous temple of the Yellow Hat Sect of Lamaism.

sect 英英释义



1. a subdivision of a larger religious group

    Synonym: religious sect religious order

2. a dissenting clique

    Synonym: faction
