
secretive [ˈsi:krətɪv]  [ˈsikrɪtɪv, sɪˈkritɪv] 

secretive 基本解释

形容词遮遮掩掩的,守口如瓶的,秘密的,偷偷摸摸的; [生](促进)分泌的; 嘴紧; 鬼头鬼脑

secretive 网络解释


1. 保密的;分泌的:secretion 分泌;空隙充填 | secretive 保密的;分泌的 | SECT line 趋肤效应伴热管线

2. 隐隐藏藏的:secretive 隐隐藏藏的 | meddlesome 爱管闲事的 | hypocrisy 伪善

3. (促进)分泌的:secretion分泌(作用分泌物 | secretive(促进)分泌的 | secretogogue促分泌素

secretive 词典解释

1. 深藏不露的;讳莫如深的
    If you are secretive, you like to have secrets and to keep your knowledge, feelings, or intentions hidden.

    e.g. Billionaires are usually fairly secretive about the exact amount that they're worth.
    e.g. ...the secretive world of spying.

...a banknote handed over secretively in the entrance to a building.
He was evasive, to the point of secretiveness.
secretive 单语例句

1. It's the most revealing account so far of interrogations at the secretive detention camp, where officials say they have halted some controversial techniques.

2. And of course, there's no way he'll climb down the chimney - that's so secretive and undignified.

3. Japan's secretive love hotels are opening up to European investors as one player in the sector prepares for a debut on London's stock market.

4. secretive是什么意思

4. Being too secretive or devious in social situations could cause arguments and hard feelings.

5. The highly secretive DPRK has a domestic Intranet service with a limited number of users.

6. The selection process is secretive and elitist, and there is little joy in guessing who will win.

7. Washington suspects Pyongyang of running a secretive highly enriched uranium program in addition to the projects it has already admitted to.

8. secretive

8. Friedman said it is hard to estimate the number of victims in the region every year because of the secretive nature of the crime.

9. Another star well known for being secretive about romantic liaisons is Jay Chou, who appears to be moving ever closer to walking down the aisle with Hannah Quinlivan.

10. The third group will also be very secretive and will not go public themselves against Leung and his administration.

secretive 英英释义


1. inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information

    e.g. although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it

    Synonym: close closelipped closemouthed tightlipped
