
secrecy [ˈsi:krəsi]  [ˈsikrɪsi] 


secrecy 基本解释


名词保密; 保密能力; 秘密(状态); 守秘密

secrecy 相关例句



1. I can rely on his secrecy.

2. The operation was being conducted in secrecy.

secrecy 网络解释


1. 秘密:因为人们向来不会珍惜垂手可得的东西,反而会被要不到手的东西所吸引. 他的市场戏法概念为戏弄(TEASE),包括T-诡计(Trickery),E-独占(Exclusivity)、A-扩大(Amplification)、S-秘密(Secrecy)、E-娱乐(Entertainment).

2. 保密:原因可以用三S归纳:性(sex),保密(secrecy)和安全(security). 第一,脱衣舞俱乐部提供行性满足如上篮般容易. 第二,俱乐部提供私秘环境,使外界很难发觉. 第三,球员可以避免法律诉讼,非婚生子女的抚养义务和警方的性侵犯指控. 因此,

3. 保密性:机密性(Confidentiality) 保密性(secrecy),又称机密性,是指个人或团体的资讯不为其他不应获得者获得. 在电脑中,许多软体包括邮件软体、网路流览器等,都有保密性相关的设定,用以维护用户资讯的保密性,另外间谍档案或骇客有可能会造成保密性的问题.

4. 密:J.K.罗琳的这一非凡创作不仅是完美的老式产品--21世纪的汤姆.布朗,而且霍格沃茨的惊人奇才,也以一种恬不知耻的老套方式向大众推销. 一些人为名声大噪的巨作<<哈利波特和火杯>>而搞的营销运动,无疑是怀旧营销的第二条原则:保密(secrecy)的典例.

secrecy 词典解释

1. 保密;秘密状态
    Secrecy is the act of keeping something secret, or the state of being kept secret.

    e.g. The British government has thrown a blanket of secrecy over the details...
    e.g. He shrouds his business dealings in secrecy.

secrecy 单语例句

1. Some senior Chinese officials repeatedly pledged secrecy for data collected from the census to ease fears that it would be used as court evidence.

2. The latest Silicon Valley drama has also evoked chatter of smear campaigns, secrecy and even Richard Nixon.

3. secrecy的反义词

3. China's space program has close ties to the military and is surrounded by secrecy.

4. But even Bush loyalists such as Bond say the administration's penchant for secrecy goes too far in some areas.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. It also defines secrecy levels and authority limits in the definition, and makes clear time limits for different levels of confidentiality and conditions for declassification.

6. It also defines secrecy levels and authority limits, and clarifies time limits for differing levels of confidentiality and conditions for declassification.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The secrecy had been in stark contrast to the couple's radically public courtship.

8. The secrecy is in stark contrast to the couple's radically public courtship.

9. Some delegates to this year's Guangdong People's Congress session actually frowned over the secrecy warning on the cover of the proposal.

10. The US Department of Defense has issued a specific set of instructions on conducting foreign exchanges to prevent breach of military secrecy.

secrecy 英英释义


1. the trait of keeping things secret

    Synonym: secretiveness silence

2. the condition of being concealed or hidden

    Synonym: privacy privateness concealment
