1. 季节工:计件工资制piece-rate system | 季节工seasonal worker | 季节性调价seasonal price adjustment
2. 临时工:外来工 migrant worker | 临时工 seasonal worker | 人口普查 census
3. 季节性工人:*seasonable duty 季节税 | *seasonal worker 季节性工人 | *seasonally adjusted price 季节性调整价格
4. 季节工HZF中国英语学习网:day labourer 日工HZF中国英语学习网 | seasonal worker 季节工HZF中国英语学习网 | collaborator 合作者HZF中国英语学习网
1. The current worker shortage is seasonal and does not mean the time when the total labor supply declines has arrived.
1. a worker who finds employment only in certain seasons
Synonym: seasonal