
seas [si:z]  [si:z] 



seas 基本解释
海( sea的名词复数 );大量;海面情况;海浪状况;
seas 网络解释


1. 西门子电子装配系统有限公司:西门子电子装配系统有限公司(SEAS)为客户在电子装配领域提供度身定制的综合解决方案,是西门子自动化与驱动集团电子装配系统部在中国的运营公司,在上海、北京、深圳和苏州都设有办事处.

2. 海域:SEARS,Joshua乔舒亚.西尔斯 | seas海域 | SEASATaltimetricdataanalysis海洋卫星高程测量数据分析

3. (指江、河、湖、海、洋):2.(河流) river | 3.(指江、河、湖、海、洋) a general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc.; water | 4.(水流) current

4. seas:signalling engineering administration supporting; 信令工程管理支持系统

5. seas:signaling engineering and administration system; 信令工程和管理系统

6. seas:schools environmental award scheme; 学界环境保护奖励计划

7. seas:systems engineering and analysis support; 和分析支持

seas 单语例句

1. But Aristide was overthrown in 1991, and Haitians took to the seas by the thousands in a desperate exodus to Florida.

2. Tanned and freckled from long hours training in the open seas of the Caribbean, she expressed confidence before starting off just before sunset Sunday.

3. seas的反义词

3. Most Brussels civil servants support welcoming Turkey, a Muslim ally and future thruway for gas coming from the Black and Caspian seas.

4. Even as it weakened to a Category 1 hurricane Saturday, the tempest churned up rough seas and dangerous rip tides.

5. It is both a technology and business model innovation - indeed charting new seas.

6. Singer Britney Spears donned a cheeky sailor hat, took to the high seas and went cruising - all in her lunch break!

7. He said China attaches great importance to marine protection and keeps revving up efforts to cope with the deteriorating environment of the blue seas.

8. The Chinese white dolphin mainly lives in the seas around Xiamen and the Pearl River estuary in south China.

9. Seas already were choppy in the Gulf, with waves up to five feet rocking boats as crews prepared to leave if needed.

10. In far southern Guangdong province, one fisherman was missing after three boats capsized in choppy seas.
