search for

search for [sə:tʃ fɔ:]  [sɚtʃ fɔr] 

search for 基本解释

搜索,搜寻; 访求; 追索

search for 网络解释

search for什么意思

1. 搜索内容:Search Archive 搜索档案 | Search For 搜索内容 | Search Results 搜索结果

2. 寻找:look for寻找 | search for寻找 | stand for代表;表示

3. 搜寻:14. overcrowdedness n. 拥挤地区 | 15. search for 搜寻 | 16. spacious adj.广大的, 大规模的

4. 搜查:search for application 搜索应用程序 | search for 搜查 | search in 搜索

search for 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Concrete steps have been made for online game industry and business models of search engine service.

2. A tourist surnamed Lu was asked by security personnel at the square for his identity card and to search his backpack.

3. search for是什么意思

3. IFPI said this is the first time for an enforcement agency to take action against a search engine for suspected copyright infringement.

4. The work paused momentarily to allow two dogs from a Turkish cadaver team to search the wreckage for missing bodies or body parts.

5. Search operations were called off after nightfall for the unknown number of passengers still missing.

6. search for的解释

6. Police thought the caller was a drunken driver and sent 10 officials in search for him.

7. Staff at the Metehara sugar factory ventured into a nearby cane plantation last week to search for a missing worker.

8. search for的意思

8. Rescuers helped the fishing boat regain the capability to sail independently and invited it to join the search for the other Vietnamese fishing boats.

9. Because extroverts have less internally generated brain activity, they search for more external stimuli to energize them.

10. China has sent rescue ships to search for a cargo vessel missing in the East China Sea with 17 Russian crew on board.
