seal off

seal off [si:l ɔf]  [sil ɔf] 

seal off 基本解释

动词拆封; 把…封锁起来; 烫开

seal off 相关例句


1. Police sealed the area off where the murderer was known to be hiding.

seal off 网络解释

1. 封锁起来:seal fishery 捕海豹业 | seal off .封锁起来 | seal ring 印章戒指

2. 封堵:seal nipple 密封接头 | seal off 封堵 | seal pad 密封板

3. 把......封锁起来:crackdown n. 压迫、镇压、痛击 | seal off 把......封锁起来 | cultural genocide 种族灭绝、文化屠杀

4. 铅封脱落:Seal missing 铅封失落 | Seal off 铅封脱落 | Search light 探照灯

seal off 词典解释

1. 封闭;隔离
    If one object or area is sealed off from another, there is a physical barrier between them, so that nothing can pass between them.

    e.g. Windows are usually sealed off.
    e.g. ...the anti-personnel door that sealed off the chamber.

2. -> see seal 7

seal off 单语例句

1. The warning gave police time to seal off the area, but dozens were hurt by flying glass or the force of the blast.

2. seal off的解释

2. Syria insists it is trying to stop the flow but that it is impossible to seal off the long desert border.

3. Pamela Anderson kicked off Sunday's televised show gushing about the Canadian music scene, but quickly turned to her political views on the East Coast seal hunt.

4. Last week, an endangered Hawaiian monk seal drowned after becoming entangled in a fishing net off Oahu.

5. The remarks came after Iran's top officials threatened to seal off the important oil passageway.


6. Little's remarks came after Iran's top officials threatened to seal off the important oil passageway.

7. Little's remarks came after Iran's top officials threatened to seal off the important oil passage.

8. seal off的反义词

8. The Israeli army also closed border crossings to seal off the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

9. There was a patent need to seal off the escape route Rio Tinto had dug.

10. But he said police did not immediately seal off the crime scene and investigators were left with few clues.

seal off 英英释义


1. impose a blockade on

    Synonym: blockade

2. make tight
    secure against leakage

    e.g. seal the windows

    Synonym: seal
