sea wall

sea wall [si: wɔ:l]  [si wɔl]

第三人称复数:sea walls

sea wall 基本解释
sea wall 网络解释

sea wall的反义词

1. 海堤:史丹利公园接二连三受到雪暴巨风的吹袭,破坏有增无减,而完全重建所需的具体金钱,还需要数月才能计算出来,而要达到长远保护生态的目的,很可能还需更多资源,但苏利文认为650万元已足够,将风灾造成的狼籍景象清理干净、重开林中步行小径、修好已毁坏的海堤(Sea Wall)等.

2. 海堤;防波堤:sea channel 航道 | sea wall 海堤;防波堤 | sea wall opening 海堤通孔;海堤空隙

3. 防潮堤 防潮堤:■ sea surface temperature 海水表面温度 海水表面温度 | ■ sea wall 防潮堤 防潮堤 | ■ sea wall revetment 沿海护岸 海岸護岸

4. 防波堤:scythe 長柄大鐮刀 | sea-wall 防波堤 | sear 燒灼,使乾枯、凋謝

sea wall 单语例句

1. sea wall什么意思

1. The Great Wall's easternmost end dips into Bohai Sea to the southeast and traces Yanshan Mountains'peaks to the northwest.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. From Tangshan, drive to Qinhuangdao in Hebei province where the Great Wall delves into the sea.

3. This tower was as important as Old Dragon's Head, where the Wall meets the sea.

4. sea wall

4. One survivor said the wall of water coming out of the sea toward him reached up to 25 metres.

5. One survivor said the wall of water coming out of the sea toward him reached up to 25 meters.

6. sea wall的近义词

6. The sea view is hidden by a high wall until you pass through a gate.

7. sea wall的意思

7. In addition, the city is also pushing for wall tombs and burials at sea.

8. sea wall的近义词

8. There will also be a giant glass wall that will periodically slide open, allowing a fresh sea breeze to blow in adding more entertainment.

9. There will also be a giant glass wall that will periodically slide open, allowing a fresh sea breeze to blow in.
