sea floor

sea floor [si: flɔ:]  [si flɔr] 

sea floor 基本解释
sea floor 网络解释

sea floor的翻译

1. 海底:使用主动式声纳包含:侦测和定位水面下的物体、航海、通讯和映射(mapping)到海底(sea floor). 一般最大操作范围是10到100公里. 与其相比,被动式声纳只聆听海面下的声音,包含:自然的乱流(turbulence)、海洋生物和从潜艇和表面船舰发出的机械声.

2. 海床:条目名称 海床(sea floor) 名词解释 是指海洋板块构成的地壳表面,它对陆地形态的演变及地质史有重要影响.

3. 海底;海床:sea farming 海洋养殖; 海水养殖 | sea floor 海底; 海床 | sea floor renewal 海底更新; 海底扩展; 海底扩张

4. 海底扩张说:scummer 消泡剂 | sea floor 海底扩张说 | sea salt 海盐

sea floor 单语例句

1. sea floor的意思

1. Joye said before the oil spill she would have given the sea floor an " A " grade of 90.

2. They spent about 20 minutes there during their 1960 dive but couldn't see much after their sub kicked up sand from the sea floor.

3. " In some places every inch of the sea floor is covered in life, " Riddle said.

4. He told police he decided to go for help rather than following her to the sea floor and attempting a rescue.

5. sea floor

5. The two countries have already begun developing the natural resources buried beneath the floor of the Barents Sea.

6. Tokyo maintains the survey is needed to match South Korean efforts to map the sea floor and name underwater formations including basins and ridges.

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7. He had planned to spend up to six hours on the sea floor.

8. Tsunamis can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying water.

9. The maps are made using sonar measurements of the sea floor recorded by boats.

10. They cite significant declines in key health indicators such as the sea floor, dolphins and oysters.

sea floor 英英释义

