sea bass

sea bass [si: beɪs]  [si beɪs] 

sea bass 基本解释
sea bass 网络解释

1. 海鲈鱼:我用海鲈鱼(sea bass)做,口感很好,其它肉质紧密的大型鱼的鱼片都可以试试. 我贴的这个不是典型的熏鱼做法,因为传统烟熏的方式,味道比较好,但是自己在家仿制难度较高. 虽然常见有家庭制法,是深度油炸制成的,但是制作比较费油,

2. 鲈鱼:在saltlik,除了牛排很棒之外,肋排、烤野生鲈鱼(Sea Bass)搭配野米也是可以考虑的主菜之一,前菜则可以选择Baja Shrimp. Saltlik的口味佳,但是价位很合理,晚餐时段,从汤、前菜、沙拉到主菜、甜点统统点,每个人花费约1千元台币左右.

3. 海鲈:海水鲈鱼竿主要是指钓获海鲈(SEA BASS)使用的竿具,海鲈经常可以有10余20余斤甚至更大型的个体,因而对竿子的要求也与淡水钓鲈竿有很大不同. 第一表现为长度,钓手出钓海鲈多为码头、防波堤、矶岩、船钓等高点钓位,出于控鱼及抛投的需要,

4. 黑鲈:sea bank 防波堤 | sea bass 黑鲈 | sea bear 北极熊

sea bass 单语例句

1. Main Course Grilled beef tenderloin with pepper sauce or grilled sea bass with Mustard sauce.

2. One of the peaks of the meal was the first main course, the sea bass Monte Carlo.

3. The risotto is infused with ginger and the roast sea bass comes with vegetables in lemon balm.

4. sea bass

4. Renamed Chilean sea bass, it sold so fast that it nearly disappeared from the sea.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The chef is serving sauteed sea bass with Chinese soybean juice, and very lightly sauteed beef tartar for customers who find raw beef hard to swallow.

6. The foil cooked sea bass in herbs is fantastically tender, and much tastier than cooked at some other French restaurants in the city.

7. Goliath Grouper are the largest members of the sea bass family and can weigh hundreds of pounds.

sea bass 英英释义


1. sea bass

1. any of various food and sport fishes of the Atlantic coast of the United States having an elongated body and long spiny dorsal fin

2. the lean flesh of a saltwater fish of the family Serranidae

    Synonym: bass
