1. 水中呼吸器:主营业务和服务:助泳带(Swimming Helper),游泳安全带(Swimming Belt),水中呼吸器(Scuba)喜欢在江河湖海中游泳的朋友都知道游泳中的意外并不常见,但确实存在,全世界每年有十几万左右的人在水中遇难,绝大多数是在游泳中溺水造成的.
2. 自给式水下呼吸器:在为期两年的训练内容大致如下:内容为潜水训练 学员们学习使用自给式水下呼吸器(SCUBA) 在潜水塔中学习潜水 并在日夜间实际前往海上做潜水训练 让所有学员成为真正的战斗蛙人.
3. 水下呼吸器:40~50年代是海洋考古发展的关键时期,法国水兵库斯托(JacquesCousteau)负责的小组发明了自携式水下呼吸器(SCUBA),即常规轻潜,为包括考古学在内的水下科学探索提供了最基本的保证.
4. 水肺:准的行动作风.闪电则表示迅速与确实,底下的CMC.SSC则是中*华*民*国海军陆战队特勤队(Chinese Marine CropsSpecial Service Company)的英文缩写.而在几次公开的行动中,这只部队的确不负这么自傲的期许.水肺(SCUBA)潜水与战术哂谩?
5. scuba:self contained underwater breathing apparatus; 水肺
1. But before heading to that dream ocean location and renting the necessary gear, you need a scuba diving certification nowadays - worldwide.
2. The whales have delighted thousands of visitors since being taught the impressive trick by scuba divers in a pool.
3. scuba的翻译
3. Two scuba divers searched the lake to make sure there were no other victims, said Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy William Spear.
4. He remained a diving enthusiast, running his own scuba venture into old age.
5. But Jones says his Poseidon resort will be one of a kind, as guests will not need to don scuba gear to reach their luxury suites.
6. Even as she turned 100 last year, she was strapping on scuba gear to photograph sharks.
7. David Heilman and Charlene Jimenez were the ones who took the plunge in scuba gear.
8. The other 20 percent were mostly adult men said de Anda, who scuba dives to uncover Mayan jewels and bones.
9. Now the Chinese love spending time on the beach and scuba diving.
10. From May to August, a Beijing scuba tour will be organized in the city.