1. Join Freddy in this adventure as he schemes and scrimps, trying to earn enough money to buy an awesome f
2. A working-class father who scrimps for the future has to confront the fact that his son won't have a future.
3. For instance, volunteer Mkhize leases land from the government to grow vegetables that she uses to feed orphans and invalids; and Martha scrimps and saves from day to day for her family of 25, 18 of whom are orphans she adopted as her own. Full of selfless love, these local volunteers say that they can still do so much more.
4. He has had to give up luxuries as he scrimps and saves while looking for a job.
5. He scrimps his family.
6. He scrimps his family. The discount goes to the individual customers, but not to the dealing companies.
1. A woman who scrimps on sleep to take care of her family gets on a driving simulator while tired.