1. These palace records were copied out three and a half thousand years ago by an Egyptian scribe.
1. 抄写员:对于作者真名实姓和确切身份的穷根竭底是徒劳无益的,因为圣体剧脚本是为演出而非阅读准备的,它们应该被当作文献而非文学来看待,况且在后世的传抄过程中根据实际演出的需要这些脚本必然有所改动--在中世纪,重要的是抄写员(scribe)而非作者(auth
2. 划线:接着再以RIE方式将N型局限层与MQW发光层及P型局限层除去,并曝露出P型GaP电流分布层,此电流分布层载子浓度大于3E18cm-3,使得P型欧姆接触金属容易形成一低阻值的接触电阻,最后完成整个制程再将Sapphire基板研磨至90um厚,使用划线(Scribe)与断裂(Break
3. 写:大胆(bold)秃驴(bald)竟敢下流的在我面前露排骨拍(pe)卵石,入(ru)碎石,写(scribe)涂鸦,不(bu)起泡,好(ho)跛行,鬼(gui)借口阿福(aff)为光线而争吵,赌博(be)为光线被出卖,钩(t)住光线的是盘子,装灰(ash)的盘子是烟灰缸布莱(ble)迷失(mish)是污点,
4. 文士:于是,一班称为经师文士(Scribe)的人便应时而生;他们专研希伯来文,一方面搜集并记录这民族的古旧历史,另一方面则在大家聚会时,讲解法律及带领祈祷. 这些聚会的地方可说是后来称为会堂(Synagogue)的雏型. 公元前538年是犹太人逃出生天的日子,
1. (印刷术发明前的)抄写员
In the days before printing was common, a scribe was a person who wrote copies of things such as letters or documents.
1. danci.911cha.com
1. He had to drop out of school at 15 and helped support the family by working as a storehouse laborer and copy scribe.
2. The studio is in final negotiations to acquire an adaptation written by " The Skeleton Key " scribe Ehren Kruger.
1. a sharp-pointed awl for marking wood or metal to be cut
Synonym: scriber scratch awl
2. someone employed to make written copies of documents and manuscripts
3. scribe
3. informal terms for journalists
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. score a line on with a pointed instrument, as in metalworking