
scratchy [ˈskrætʃi]  [ˈskrætʃi] 

scratchy 基本解释

形容词(书写等)潦草的; (衣服)粗糙的; (录音等)发出咝咝沙沙声的; 不规则的

scratchy 网络解释

1. 潦草的:scratchpad 便签簿 | scratchy 潦草的 | scrawl 乱涂

2. 抓抓:Scrappin' Camp 殺陣營地 | Scratchy 抓抓 | Screamer 尖嘯魔

3. 发擦刮声的:scratchpad 便笺式暂存 | scratchy 发擦刮声的 | scratchy 发痒的

4. 发痒的:scratchpad 便笺式暂存 | scratchy 发擦刮声的 | scratchy 发痒的

scratchy 词典解释

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1. 沙哑的;发出沙沙声的
    Scratchy sounds are thin and harsh.

    e.g. Listening to the scratchy recording, I recognized Walt Whitman immediately.

2. scratchy在线翻译

2. (衣服、织物)粗糙扎人的,使人发痒的
    Scratchy clothes or fabrics are rough and uncomfortable to wear next to your skin.

    e.g. Wool is so scratchy that it irritates the skin.

scratchy 单语例句

1. But that single cost Australia, with Hayden edging to Paul Collingwood at second slip next ball after a scratchy 21.

2. scratchy的解释

2. On Sunday night, he spoke into the microphone with a voice scratchy from screaming and choked with emotion.

3. " I think everyone could probably tell I was a little scratchy, " the defending champion smiled.

4. " I cut them out because they're scratchy and they bug me, " she said.

scratchy 英英释义



1. unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound

    e.g. a gravelly voice

    Synonym: grating gravelly rasping raspy rough

2. lacking consistency

    e.g. the golfer hit the ball well but his putting was spotty

    Synonym: spotty uneven

3. easily irritated or annoyed

    e.g. an incorrigibly fractious young man
           not the least nettlesome of his countrymen

    Synonym: cranky fractious irritable nettlesome peevish peckish pettish petulant testy tetchy techy

4. causing abrasion

    Synonym: abrasive
