
scot [skɒt]  [skɑ:t] 

scot 基本解释

名词苏格兰人; 税赋; 分摊财政负担; 估定的款项

scot 网络解释

1. 苏格兰人:本报综合报道 在英国,自称为英国人(即不列颠人,Biritish)的并不多,大家更为认同的是自己的民族,一般都称自己为英格兰人(English)、苏格兰人(Scot)或者威尔士人(welsh)等等.

2. 税赋:scorpion 蝎子 | scot 税赋 | scot-free 不受处罚的

3. 苏格兰:RUSS;罗斯 ;;;;;;;;;;X | SCOT;苏格兰 ;;;;;;;;;;X | SERB;塞尔维亚 ;;;;;;;;;;X

4. 苏格兰人/苏格特族的人/租税/分担的份儿:scorzalite /多铁天蓝石/ | scot /苏格兰人/苏格特族的人/租税/分担的份儿/ | scot-free /不受处罚的/无伤的/平安的/

5. scot:small communications terminal; 小型通信终端

6. scot:single composition osmotic tablet; 单室渗透泵片

7. scot:social construction of technology; 科技的社会建构

scot 词典解释

1. 苏格兰人;苏格兰裔人
    A Scot is a person of Scottish origin.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 苏格兰英语
    Scots is a dialect of the English language that is spoken in Scotland.

    e.g. There are things you can express in Scots that you can't say in English.

3. Scots 同 Scottish
    Scots means the same as Scottish .

    e.g. ...his guttural Scots accent.
    e.g. ...the Scots Tories.

scot 单语例句

1. scot

1. The French coach seemed to be particularly angered by United midfielder Darren Fletcher's challenges but stopped short of accusing the Scot by name.

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2. But the Scot agreed with Benitez's observation that it was too early to count Liverpool out of the title race.

3. Bush felt he could poke fun at the new British leader over his reputation as a " dour Scot " during their joint news conference.

4. Again Murray played the drop shot but the Scot escaped as Simon's reply landed just wide.

5. " It's the driver and the fairway woods that are the biggest issues, " said the Scot.

6. Fifty years ago, the Scot would have been a comparative youngster.

7. The Scot continued his dominance in the second set, breaking Verdasco's serve in the first and last games.

8. It was a Scot who explained the virtues of a free market.

9. However, the Scot was also fulsome in his praise of Carlo Ancelotti's side.

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10. After Murray recorded his fifth win in seven meetings with Federer, the world number two had no option but to tip his hat to the Scot.

scot 英英释义


1. a native or inhabitant of Scotland

    Synonym: Scotsman Scotchman
