
sconce [skɒns]  [skɑns] 


sconce 基本解释




sconce 网络解释

1. 头:scolopendra 蜈蚣 | sconce 头 | scone 烤饼

2. 陶瓷壁灯座:bulb holder:灯座 | sconce:陶瓷壁灯座 | socket:灯头

3. 飞碟:工字铁 hickey | 飞碟 sconce | 光强度 luminous intensity, I

4. 突出的烛台:scolopsia 可动骨缝 | sconce 突出的烛台 | scontion 门窗框内屋角石

sconce 双语例句

1. Nineteen exquisite projects, arranged by skill level, range from home decor items, like a wall sconce and fountain, to sculpture, and even an amber glass pendant.

2. How? By knocking his sconce against them, sure.


3. By knocking his sconce against them, sure

4. Movie theatres use wall sconce to build a low light just right to lessen the eyestrain while watching.

5. Solution: Install a wall sconce inside your linen closet or storage cabinet.


6. They were an almost iridescent blue in the swirling arcane light clasped within the metal hands of the sconce nearby.


7. Outside his cell, he pulled a metal sconce from the wall and used it to batter the lock as quietly as he could to make it look as though he had broken out of his own accord.


8. By knocking his Sconce against them, sure.

9. If you put wall sconce as your supplementary light, then you can get rid of the dilemma.
    如果你把墙 sconce 作为你的补充光线,那么你就可以摆脱困境的。

sconce 词典解释

1. 壁式烛台;壁灯台
    A sconce is a decorated object that holds candles or an electric light, and that is attached to the wall of a room.

sconce 英英释义



1. a decorative wall bracket for holding candles or other sources of light

2. a candle or flaming torch secured in a sconce

3. a small fort or earthwork defending a ford, pass, or castle gate

4. a shelter or screen providing protection from enemy fire or from the weather
