
scoff [skɒf]  [skɔ:f] 






scoff 基本解释

名词笑柄; 食品; (特指对宗教的)嘲笑; 嘲弄,愚弄

不及物动词嘲笑,嘲弄; 掠夺,攫取; 狼吞虎咽

scoff 相关例句



1. He scoffed their easy fears.


1. Why do they scoff at the idea that he will retire next year?

2. They were sitting around the table scoffing.


1. He was the scoff of the town.

scoff 网络解释


1. 嘲笑,嘲弄:plaintiff 原告 | scoff 嘲笑,嘲弄 | scoff 嘲笑,嘲弄

2. 嘲笑或嘲弄:sawn-off 锯短了的 | scoff 嘲笑或嘲弄 | segment 部分,片断

scoff 词典解释

1. 嘲笑;讥讽;嘲弄
    If you scoff at something, you speak about it in a way that shows you think it is ridiculous or inadequate.

    e.g. At first I scoffed at the notion...
    e.g. You may scoff but I honestly feel I'm being cruel only to be kind...

2. scoff

2. 贪婪地吃;狼吞虎咽
    If you scoff food, you eat it quickly and greedily.

    e.g. The pancakes were so good that I scoffed the lot.

scoff 单语例句

1. Some expats scoff at my $ 125 golfing spree but these same people would spend the same on a haircut.

2. scoff什么意思

2. And it still has the stuff that can make us laugh and scoff or tug at our heartstrings.

3. But historians scoff at the idea of them being placed in such places as living rooms or bedrooms.

4. But others scoff at the idea of China as a World Cup host, convinced Chinese soccer will just lose more face.

5. What's more, the British scoff at the notion that American newspapers are objective.

6. scoff的翻译

6. But guests in a country shouldn't scoff at local customs and the history of fireworks in China runs very deep.

7. scoff

7. However Ryan - who admitted baked goods are his weakness - was happy to scoff Blake's food.

8. Video game makers scoff at the notion that their products can cause a psychiatric disorder.

scoff 英英释义



1. showing your contempt by derision

    Synonym: jeer jeering mockery scoffing


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. treat with contemptuous disregard

    e.g. flout the rules

    Synonym: flout

2. scoff的反义词

2. laugh at with contempt and derision

    e.g. The crowd jeered at the speaker

    Synonym: jeer flout barrack gibe
