
scarred ['ska:d]  ['ska:d] 





scarred 基本解释
scarred 网络解释

1. 瘢痕性的:scarpslope 悬崖坡 | scarred 瘢痕性的 | scars 冻结物

2. 多节的、结疤的:scarfings切屑 | scarred多节的、结疤的 | scatter散射、金属喷溅损失

3. 有疤痕的:bald 秃顶的 | scarred 有疤痕的 | brutal 残忍的,野蛮的

4. 留下了伤痕:留下了伤痕 scarred | 你的背翻转着 your back was turned | 像胎儿般地卷曲 curled like an embryo

scarred 单语例句

1. Coach Eric Musselman's first season in Sacramento already has been scarred by injuries and controversy.

2. Curing these orphans'scarred souls will be more difficult than the reconstruction of their homelands.

3. To better build up the role, the actor had his hair cut short and his face cosmetically scarred.

4. scarred什么意思

4. The improper behavior the cheng guan authorities in Shanghai have displayed is fresh evidence that cheng guan has scarred the government.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. Victims young and old lay bleeding on stretchers and gurneys, some of them scarred with horrific burns.

6. Diana was a troubled young aristocrat scarred by her parents'bitter divorce.


7. Though only a fraction of Chinese products were involved in the recalls, it has scarred the US psyche enough to trigger a China phobia.

8. Shoes were strewn about in the grass, and pair of dark skid marks scarred the highway.

9. Others have tried injecting heart stem cells directly into the scarred heart in the hopes of regenerating damaged tissue.

10. " I was really scarred by the whole thing, " Li said on Friday.

scarred 英英释义


1. blemished by injury or rough wear

    e.g. the scarred piano bench
           walls marred by graffiti

    Synonym: marred

2. deeply affected or marked by mental or physical pain or injury

    e.g. Could her scarred mind ever be free of fear?
           a face scarred by anxiety
           the fire left her arm badly scarred
