
scant [skænt]  [skænt]







scant 基本解释


形容词不足的; 缺乏的; 将近的; 吝啬的

及物动词限制; 节省; 吝惜

scant 相关词组

1. be scant of : 缺乏;

scant 相关例句



1. You have a scant hour in which to pack.

2. He paid scant attention to my warnings.

3. Tom's family was scant of money.


1. The general had to scant his men's rations.

2. Don't scant the butter when you make a cake.

scant 网络解释

1. 深灰里子红带浅金属光泽(闪亮星泽质地):Long Stem Rose 嫩粉色带浅浅金色光泽(闪亮星泽质地) | Scant 深灰里子红带浅金属光泽(闪亮星泽质地) | Mousse 浅焦糖棕褐色(显色丰润质地)

2. 缺乏的:scare 威吓 | scant 缺乏的 | trenchant 清晰的

3. 不足的:scansorial 适合攀登的 | scant 不足的 | scanties 短裤

4. 少的:scant 不足的 | scant 少的 | scantling draft ship 结构强度吃水船

scant 词典解释

1. 一丁点的;微小的;不足的;欠缺的
    You use scant to indicate that there is very little of something or not as much of something as there should be.

    e.g. She began to berate the police for paying scant attention to the theft from her car.
    e.g. ...forces that have shown scant respect for Red Cross markings or UN flags...


2. (强调数目)小的,很小的,仅有的
    If you describe an amount as scant, you are emphasizing that it is small.

    e.g. This hole was a scant .23 inches in diameter...
           这个洞眼的直径只有 0.23 英寸。
    e.g. In fact, Richard Savage had known Edward Bellamy a scant five hours.
           实际上,理查德·萨维奇和爱德华·贝拉米相识才仅仅 5 个小时。

scant 单语例句

1. Scant information exists on flu vaccines with adjuvants, a component used to stretch the active ingredient that is common in European flu vaccines.

2. It draws scant media attention or celebrity firepower, which are often crucial to attracting charitable donations to a cause.

3. Details were scant and a spokesman for Crackle was not immediately available for further comment.

4. scant

4. The current Securities Law pays scant attention to the civil liabilities of listed companies that cheat investors.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. In announcing their release last week, the US Defense Department gave scant information about the former detainees.

6. Power was also knocked out on Parliament Hill, leaving scant emergency lighting.

7. scant

7. Anyone with even scant knowledge of the creative process of China's filmmaking can empathize with Feng.

8. Entrance tickets to Potala Palace sold like hot cakes in Lhasa last year, but political advisers and legislators worry that more tourists will encounter scant ticket supplies.

9. But most foreign investors have scant knowledge of Chinese trade unions, so local union leaders have met enormous resistance from executives during their penetration into ventures.

10. scant的意思

10. Some traded money for power with officials to grab scant resources, evade taxes or manipulate markets.

scant 英英释义



1. supply sparingly and with restricted quantities

    e.g. sting with the allowance

    Synonym: stint skimp


2. limit in quality or quantity

    Synonym: skimp

3. scant在线翻译

3. work hastily or carelessly
    deal with inadequately and superficially

    Synonym: skimp
