1. 解剖刀:将海绵(foam)、椅子腿、解剖刀 (scalpel)给男主角,切换到男主角,将注射器(syringe)和椅子腿结合,再加上麻药(anesthetic)可以获得毒箭桶 (poisoned blowgun) .
2. 外科手术刀:E-LGTR外科手术刀(Scalpel)超小型制导航空炸弹效果图 E-LGTR外科手术刀超小型制导航空炸弹装机准备进行空投试验 据俄罗斯<<纽带>>网报道,美国洛克希德马丁公司日前成功完成了对外科手术刀(Scalpel)超小型制导航空炸弹的首次飞行测试.
1. 解剖刀;手术刀
A scalpel is a knife with a short, thin, sharp blade. Scalpels are used by surgeons during operations.
1. Nevertheless, she has no intention of putting aside her scalpel any time soon.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. But all surgeons are not Pygmalions transforming a plain life into a star's existence with the sole help of a knife and a scalpel.
3. For investors to take his investment advice seriously, he should start by picking up a scalpel and removing the tumors in the market.
1. a thin straight surgical knife used in dissection and surgery