
scaled [skeɪld]  [skeɪld] 







scaled 基本解释


scaled 网络解释


1. 有鳞状斑点的, 有鳞的:female adapter 内螺纹接头 | scaled 有鳞状斑点的, 有鳞的 | at first thought 初一想

2. 鳞状斑点:scaled point size 定标点大小 | scaled 鳞状斑点 | scalelike 鳞状的

3. 将瓦片排成鳞状的:scalecide 杀介壳虫剂 | scaled 将瓦片排成鳞状的 | scaledsquamate 有鳞的

4. 图形对象按指定的比例缩小或放大显示:Scaled:图形对象按指定的比例缩小或放大显示. | Position:图形对象左上角距演示窗口左上角的坐标值 | Size:希望图形对象在演示窗口中显示的尺寸

scaled 单语例句

1. scaled是什么意思

1. A man surnamed Wen was killed in a fall on Thursday when the pole he scaled in order to steal cable broke.

2. In the homegrown canon, tuzi scaled the highest prominence in the moon legend.

3. scaled

3. To cope with last year's global economic crisis and depressed demand, all three rated port operators in Asia scaled back their capital expenditure and cut costs.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Geely scaled down its capital expenditure last year from an initial HK $ 1 billion in the face of a downside in the mainland car market.

5. scaled的翻译

5. The US Navy quietly scaled back to one carrier group several months later.

6. Warner Bros has scaled back promotions for The Dark Knight Rises, canceling a Paris premiere and calling off appearances by the cast in Mexico and Japan.

7. Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney also scaled back his campaign schedule in the wake of the massacre and called for unity.

8. scaled

8. Hefner has scaled down his coterie - a few years ago the mansion was home to no less than seven Playmates.

9. Willingham said the salvage operation had been scaled down until daylight today.

10. Since 1949, the size of the PLA has been scaled down nine times.

scaled 英英释义



1. (used of armor) having overlapping metal plates attached to a leather backing

2. having the body covered or partially covered with thin horny plates, as some fish and reptiles

    Synonym: scaly scaley
