
saskatoon [ˌsæskə'tu:n]  [ˌsæskə'tu:n] 

saskatoon 基本解释



saskatoon 网络解释

1. 萨斯卡通:纵观过去12个月(每月与上一年同期相比),卡尔加利房价涨幅连续第七个月位居全国榜首,最高达34.8%,其次为蒙特利尔涨18.6%,温尼伯10.7%,里贾纳(Regina)与维多利亚(Victoria)7.7%,萨斯卡通(Saskatoon)6.7%.

2. 唐棣:三叶扬(Cottonwood)和柳树(willow)以及唐棣(saskatoon)、玫瑰、水牛果(buffalo-berry)等灌木生长在潮湿的河岸. 仙人掌、黑肉叶刺茎藜(greasewood)和数种鼠尾草(sage)属植物生长在干旱炎热的荒野中. 大草原在谷地的边缘.

3. 萨斯卡顿:沿著加拿大西部秀丽迷人的洛矶山脉、一望无际的中西部大草原、一直到加东安大略省静谧的湖泊及森林,中间尚停靠萨德贝丽(Sudbury Jet.)、温尼伯(Winnipeg)、萨斯卡顿(Saskatoon)、艾德蒙顿(Edmonton)、杰士伯(Jasper)、及甘露市(Kamloops)等,

4. 萨斯卡通(加拿大中南部一城市):Potash 钾盐 | Disposition 支配权 | Saskatoon 萨斯卡通(加拿大中南部一城市)

saskatoon 双语例句


1. Now that we are in Saskatoon our affectionate feline friend is Misty.

2. As time went along, Maria held activities in her own home in Saskatoon and I attended a few.

3. There are two major cities, one is Regina and the other is Saskatoon.

4. Tal says Saskatoon is the strongest local real estate market in the country.

5. After I moved to Saskatoon in 1995 I began to hear from Maria in the summer.


6. The survey included four Saskatchewan cities: Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert and Moose Jaw.


7. If Luke were an NHL player, I`m guessing his plus-minus chart this season could get him sent down to Saskatoon. Or is it Regina? One of those.

8. For tomorrow I will be holding a Cloverleaf conference call between us here in Kauai, Dalphiaana, who lives in British Columbia, Sandora who is house-sitting for the winter in Luseland, Saskatchewan and our small group in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan who meet on the riverbank at Sharon`s home.

9. My love and aloha to all of you from Ariana in Saskatoon.

10. We had our last gathering of Cloverleaf enthusiasts in Saskatoon last Saturday and it was another rescue circle.

saskatoon 单语例句

1. The native of Saskatoon also coached the NHL's expansion franchise Columbus Blue Jackets from 2000 to 2003.

saskatoon 英英释义


1. saskatoon

1. edible purple or red berries

    Synonym: serviceberry shadberry juneberry
