








sandwiches 基本解释
夹层;三明治( sandwich的名词复数 );夹心蛋糕;状似三明治的东西;插入( sandwich的第三人称单数 );把…夹在…之间;挤在…中间;把…夹在面包片中;
sandwiches 网络解释


1. 三文治:在GE 大楼前建有一海峡花园(Channel Garden),位于大英帝国大楼(British Empire Building)与法国大楼(La Maison Francaise)中间,除可看到各种花卉和喷水泉外,在尽头处更有凉亭,我们就坐下来,一面吃带来的三文治(sandwiches),一面听乐队演奏悦

2. 三明治:马尔贝拉Nikki海滩俱乐部美食食谱涵盖海鲜(Raw Bar)、寿司(Sushi)、小吃(appetizers)、沙拉(salads)、三明治(Sandwiches)、各类菜系(Entrees)、家庭菜肴、甜点(Desserts)等各大系列,可满足世界各地不同种族、不同口味的游客的胃口.

3. 夹心面包、三明治:300022 华夫饼干 Waffles | 300106 夹心面包、三明治 Sandwiches | 300055 姜饼 Gingerbread

4. 我喜欢的食物:如果我是超人,我要im already a ninja so........ | 我喜欢的食物Sandwiches | 我讨厌Acid rain...?

sandwiches 单语例句

1. The cheeky primates have learned how to open car doors and jump through windows in pursuit of tasty sandwiches and snacks.

2. Clubbers can buy cocktails from the period at the provision store styled bar, and snacks that include homemade Scotch eggs and " doorstep " cheese and pickle sandwiches.

3. Once you've enjoyed the bird at Christmas, you really don't look want to chew on a week's worth of turkey sandwiches.

4. Kiss also includes a deli downstairs with fresh, healthy sandwiches and a chic and cozy bar upstairs that overlooks Jianwai SOHO.

5. He also recommends this soup to Westerners, who are used to taking cold sandwiches and chilled drinks during winter.

6. Place the sandwiches on the prepared pan and cover with the prepared foil, oiled side down.

7. sandwiches

7. Cover sandwiches with a clean dish towel and wait for an hour or so before serving.

8. She had to eat cheese sandwiches because her mother couldn't afford to give her lunch money while her application for free lunch was being processed.

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9. We dive into fresh pasta and sandwiches, regretfully declining the restaurant's namesake dish of rabbit.

10. They buy breakfast at stands selling tea and egg sandwiches while they wait for potential employers to drive up.
