







sanctioned 基本解释
实施惩罚( sanction的过去式和过去分词 );实施制裁;
sanctioned 网络解释

1. 批准:drawn 被拽出、被得到 | sanctioned 批准 | on behalf of or in the direct employ of 以...名义或者直接受雇于...

2. 认可的:epidemiologist流行病专家 | sanctioned认可的 | white-collar workers白领工作者

sanctioned 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. All were held on suspicion of " causing an accident with dangerous articles " in a move sanctioned by the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate.

2. Unfortunately the dictionary sanctioned translation of " Miss " is " Xiao Jie ", which now is mostly for women of ill repute.

3. Other alterations should be examined and sanctioned by the previous examination and ratification authorities, in accordance with existent laws and regulations concerning foreign investment.

4. The US has recently revived - after a freeze of three decades - its nuclear reactor manufacturing with a new project now sanctioned for Georgia.

5. The order was in contrast with a previous permission, which sanctioned only ground transit.

6. NATO on Monday urged the United Nations to enforce the transition plan for Syria sanctioned Saturday by an international conference in Geneva.

7. A list of 10 hospitals officially sanctioned to carry out organ transplant surgery has been posted on the Beijing health bureau's website.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. The Pentagon has denied accusations it sanctioned rough treatment to make people talk.

9. Pyongyang had two rounds of nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009 and was sanctioned by the UN Security Council.

10. sanctioned在线翻译

10. Octopus cards use a system developed by Sony of Japan, while Shenzhen Tong is based on a platform sanctioned by the Ministry of Construction.
