
samples ['sɑ:mplz]  ['sɑ:mplz] 







samples 基本解释
样品( sample的名词复数 );样品;取样;样本;
samples 网络解释

1. 样品:货物品名的要求:所有货物出口必须以样品(SAMPLES)出运,出运面单必须写无商业价值(N.C.V).品名必须详细如:(错误表达SAMPLES OF BAG包样,正确表达SAMPLES OF NYLON BAG 或者SAMPLES OF PVC BAG 尼龙背包或PVC手袋).

2. 样本:统计学(Statistics)是数学的一个分支:1.从所有同类项目(总体)(population)中抽取一些项目(样本)(samples)统计学中利用变异(variation)的概念衡量产品或过程抽样分布围绕着平均

3. 采样:如果你还算走运的话,每个乐器(instrument)可以拥有5个采样(samples)!DFD发声内存(DFD voice memory)将根据实际应用来分配给Kontakt中所有加载的乐器共享. 当然,最关键的部分还是硬盘,要获得速度很快的硬盘,我们可以有很多选择.

samples 单语例句

1. samples的翻译

1. The samples had 25 times the level allowed by local environmental protection regulation, the research report said.

2. The $ 3 million project involves testing several thousand wheat samples provided by both sides.

3. It found that over 60 percent of the rice samples it took were tainted with cadmium.

4. They took blood samples from both groups two and six hours after they ate the chocolate and bread to measure their platelet activation.

5. Guo and his colleagues invited a renowned Chinese calligrapher to write several samples, deriving some inspiration from the process.

6. It's the first collection of calligraphic samples in China's history.

7. The unloading of the cargo began yesterday evening after samples of the wheat passed all inspection and quarantine tests.

8. Catlin also wants to freeze samples of Armstrong's blood for tests in the future.

9. samples在线翻译

9. The IOC reanalyzed a total of 948 samples from Beijing after new lab tests for CERA and insulin became available following the Olympics.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. The warning came after the Consumer Council found that 14 out of 15 cereal samples it had obtained from the market contained excessive sugar.
