1. 盐析:经由中子活化法可测定40种元素,可用于侦测金子中的稀土金属含量,几乎没有其它方法可与之比拟. 在连续辐射监测盐析(salting)法中,利用微电脑处理机及计算机指示喷射器(ejector)以析出金矿,这套系统是目前最新的工厂制造方法.
2. 腌:熏 smoking | 腌 salting | 食谱 recipe
3. 盐渍:凝沉 retrogradation | 盐渍 salting | 酱渍 saucing
4. 盐腌:saltern 制盐所 | salting 盐腌 | salting out effect 盐析效应
1. Salting the cabbage starts a dehydration process that keeps the vegetable crisp even after pickling.
1. the act of adding salt to food