
sallies ['sællaɪz]  ['sællaɪz] 







sallies 基本解释
俏皮话;远足;突围( sally的名词复数 );迸发;突围,出发( sally的第三人称单数 );
sallies 双语例句

1. I'm concern for de'Medici's safety, for it'sallies'fate and for our own

2. All the sallies of his will are rounded in by the law of his being, as the inequalities of the Andes and Himmaleh are insignificant in the curve of the sphere.

3. She was not inclined to sarcasm and to impulsive sallies, as Mary was.


4. A disturber of the border, one who sallies from his haunt in the fen and roams over the country near by.

5. As this collection of essays does not aim to be a systematic treatise on any one theme, but rather a series of sallies, excursions, into the world of semi-philosophical speculation, there is inevitably much repetition; there may even be some contradiction.

6. As when baneful Mars sallies forth to battle, and his son Panic so strong and dauntless goes with him, to strike terror even into the heart of a hero- the pair have gone from Thrace to arm themselves among the Ephyri or the brave Phlegyans, but they will not listen to both the contending hosts, and will give victory to one side or to the other- even so did Meriones and Idomeneus, captains of men, go out to battle clad in their bronze armour.

7. He had thus far succeeded in fending off my conversational sallies.

8. She continued her story undisturbed by the merry sallies of her hearers.

9. In two liberated areas in North china, he shared the dangers hardships of the troops and people, and accompanied small " armed work group " in extremely perilous sallies far behind the enemy lines.

10. Was one of his opening sallies.


11. The laughter with which his sallies were greeted excited him.


12. In two liberated areas in North china, he shared the dangers hardships of the troops and people, and accompanied small " armed work group " in extremely perilous sallies far behind the enemy lines.
