名词萨迦(尤指古代挪威或冰岛讲述冒险经历和英雄业绩的长篇故事); (讲述许多年间发生的事情的)长篇故事; 传说,冒险故事,英雄事迹
1. 传奇:生活时尚杂志广告(例如,<<传奇>>(Saga)和<<读者文摘>>)、销售点广告、本地住户门口投递广告和网络宣传广告都经过了精心设计,使Specsavers的这一营销理念得到了进一步强化.
2. 佐贺:从1978年起,佐贺(Saga)固定会在晚秋11月间举行热气球庆典,届时整个佐贺天空五彩缤纷,非常趣味且漂亮,今年的第27届热气球庆典,将在11月1日到5日间举行.
3. 撒加:)黄金圣斗士金牛座(Taurus)阿鲁迪巴(Aldebaran)黄金圣斗士双子座(Gemini ) 撒加(Saga)黄金圣斗士白羊座(Aries)穆(Mu)黄金圣斗士金牛座(Taurus)阿鲁迪巴(Aldebaran)黄金圣斗士双子座(Gemini ) 撒加(Saga)羊座的黄金圣斗士史
4. 萨嘎:即由单独或多个巨大立石及其周围的石块构成,属于这种类型的遗迹主要有高原西部的萨嘎(Saga)、通往西部斯坯提(Spiti)地区的坎夏姆山口(Kanzan)、玛旁雍错附近的吉乌(Byi'u)以及西部的嘎尔羌(Garbyang)等地点.
5. saga:the simulated annealing genetic algorithms; 模拟退火遗传算法
6. saga:simulated annealing genetic algorithm; 模拟退火算法
1. 长篇小说;长篇故事;一连串事件
A saga is a long story, account, or sequence of events.
e.g. ...a 600 page saga about 18th century slavery.
关于 18 世纪奴隶制的总计 600 页的长篇记述
e.g. ...the continuing saga of unexpected failures by leading companies.
2. 萨迦(中世纪挪威或冰岛的传奇故事)
A saga is a long story composed in medieval times in Norway or Iceland.
e.g. ...a Nordic saga of giants and trolls.
1. The'spy saga'has gripped the glamour sport for weeks, with McLaren stunned by revelations about Coughlan and his cache of Ferrari data.
2. But the saga is dragging on after the World Motor Sport Council referred the case to the FIA International Court of Appeal.
3. Let the central government's new first document of the year open a new chapter in the ongoing saga of how rural China is catching up.
4. saga的反义词
4. The tragic saga begins with an evil eagle that transforms a charming Chinese girl into a white swan.
5. saga
5. The star is expected to close out his run on The Twilight Saga with the upcoming Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
6. saga的解释
6. Third, the LIA saga highlights SWFs'potential cumulative effect on the stability of global markets.
7. The saga was finally resolved three days later when the ATV board accepted his resignation and appointed him as an advisor.
8. saga的解释
8. That could herald " a new chapter in the piracy saga, " said Crispian Cuss of London's risk mitigation Olive Group.
9. CW insiders told the trade magazine that the new network wants at least 13 new episodes of the Camden family saga.
10. The star of the Twilight saga now has a lifesize wax replica for you to ogle before the release of Breaking Dawn later this year.
1. a narrative telling the adventures of a hero or a family
originally (12th to 14th centuries) a story of the families that settled Iceland and their descendants but now any prose narrative that resembles such an account