sadly moving

sadly moving

sadly moving 双语例句

sadly moving什么意思

1. The sound of the xiao played by him is clear and sadly moving.

2. The S-class will tell the driver when it thinks he or she is drowsy, but sadly lacks the technology to detect when the driver is aroused, allowing it to prepare the car for romantic couplings by automatically moving the front seats forward, reclining the rears, deploying all window shades, and dimming ambient lighting.
    的S - Class将告诉司机时,认为他或她是昏昏欲睡,但可惜缺乏技术检测到的驱动程序引起的,因此它的汽车准备浪漫联轴器自动移动前排座椅向前,斜倚后胎,部署所有窗帘,和调光环境照明。梅赛德斯

3. Tagore's plaintive and sadly moving description of the heroines'death has a close relation with his life experience of losing many family members.
