rustling sound

rustling sound

rustling sound 双语例句

1. At last, there came a little rustling, whispering sound, all round the window: rustle, whisper, whisper.

2. It was very exciting at that season to roam the then boundless chestnut woods of Lincoln —— they now sleep their long sleep under the railroad —— with a bag on my shoulder, and a stick to open burs with in my hand, for I did not always wait for the frost, amid the rustling of leaves and the loud reproofs of the red squirrels and the jays, whose half-consumed nuts I sometimes stole, for the burs which they had selected were sure to contain sound ones.

rustling sound

3. The sound of rustling leaves broke the silence of night.


4. Suddenly he heard a rustling sound, and when he looked around, a strange man was standing before him.

5. Rain hit the leaves on the issue of rustling sound.

6. A rustling sound, as of silk.

7. Suddenly he heard a rustling sound and when he looked around a strange man was standing before him.

8. At this time, the wind burst of music rains, accompanied by sound of rustling water, ah!

rustling sound

9. First Snow I drove sled, quiet surrounding, Powder snow in the Horseshoe for the sound of rustling.
    初雪 我驾着雪橇,四野宁静,雪粉在马蹄下沙沙作声。

10. My bed was a straw tick裝etter than Jim's, which was a cornshuck tick; there's always cobs around about in a shuck tick, and they poke into you and hurt; and when you roll over the dry shucks sound like you was rolling over in a pile of dead leaves; it makes such a rustling that you wake up.

11. Only at night, with no one watching, I can stretch myself and allow the vine come into control of each cell of my very being.. While holding my breath, I can almost hear the rustling of its small leaves. It's the sound of the growth of the vine, the very proof of my existence, an existence never known to anyone.

12. However, the prince was so sound asleep that it only seemed to him like the wind was rustling outside in the fir trees.

13. Then as I covered him with a blanket a strange rustling sound from inside the stump startled us.

14. Agitation of the leaves in the breeze made rustling sound.

15. A brushing or rustling sound.

16. The crickets sweet symphony accompanies the sound of her rustling satin gown.

17. The sun fast downhill, she suddenly heard the sound of rustling, Saw six swans come flying from the window.

18. Dear countess, it is such a long time…she has been laid up, poor child…at the Razumovskys'ball, and the Countess Apraxin…I was so glad, feminine voices chattered briskly, interrupting one another and mingling with the sound of rustling skirts and the scraping of chairs.
      Ch recomtesse,ilyasilongtemps…ellea l alit elapauvreenfant…aubaldesRazoumowsky…etlacomtesseApraksine…j'ai t siheureuse……①,听见妇女们互相打断话头、闹哄哄的谈话声,谈话声和连衣裙的沙沙声、移动椅子的响声连成一片了。

rustling sound 单语例句

1. rustling sound的翻译

1. A card frock can be cool in the summer and emit a rustling sound when you move.
