





rustles 基本解释
发出沙沙的声音( rustle的名词复数 );发出沙沙的声音( rustle的第三人称单数 );
rustles 双语例句

1. These little thoughts are the rustles of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind.

2. The stock dove plain amid the forest deep, That drowsy rustles to the sighing gale.

3. Her hair is flying in the wind, her veil is fluttering, her garland rustles over her breast.

4. She wears a dress of heavy, rich silk, with large flowers worked on it; and it rustles when she moves.

5. Keke`s jacket rustles loudly as his arms cross this way and that, fighting to keep the car straight.
    Keke 努力保持着车的平衡,他的夹克衫在他打方向时擦得沙沙作响。

6. It's to the point where all I have to do is reach into my pocket (sometimes the plastic baggie rustles), and before I can issue a command, the dog comes running.

7. This effect may be hard - wired: our ancestors looked for clues that might help them to spot wild game or hostile tribes, and had to accept that most of the rustles in the undergrowth were the wind rather than the meat.

8. I lie back, listening to the rustles and creaks of Lisa's preparations in the bunk below.

9. Mother's voice rustles, wrinkling the silence.

rustles 单语例句

1. On his narrow balcony, the bamboo that his wife planted rustles in the summer breeze.
