run around

run around [rʌn əˈraund]  [rʌn əˈraʊnd] 

run around 基本解释


run around 网络解释

1. 东奔西跑,奔忙,(尤指孩子)到处玩耍游逛:trestle 脚手架, 高架桥, 三角凳 | run around 东奔西跑,奔忙,(尤指孩子)到处玩耍游逛 | protein plastics 蛋白质塑料

2. 绕道:run 矿脉走向 | run around 绕道 | run coal 软煤

3. 东奔西跑:run application 运行应用程序 | run around 东奔西跑 | run at the mouth 流口水

4. 到处跑:run about 到处跑 | run around 到处跑 | run at a speed of sth. 以......的速度前进

run around 词典解释

1. run around的反义词

1. 东奔西跑;四处奔忙
    If you run around, you go to a lot of places and do a lot of things, often in a rushed or disorganized way.

    e.g. No one noticed we had been running around emptying bins and cleaning up...
    e.g. I spend all day running around after the family...

run around 单语例句

1. run around

1. Opposition leaders said earlier they would stop street protests as they began discussions to unite around a single candidate to run against Saakashvili.

2. Much of Jamaica was expected to have clustered around televisions to watch the extraordinary run and will have jumped for joy.

3. Although the rate cut will not turn around the economy in the short run, it will help improve confidence.

4. Several companies run daily cycling tours around Beijing, or there are longer trips to the Great Wall and beyond for the more adventurous.

5. run around的反义词

5. Less in number but equally popular are the workshops run by generations of craftsmen which appear around every corner of the street.

6. The government is expected to run out of ways to meet all of its obligations around late February or early March.

7. Though less block print and more girlish silhouette, there is definitely a buzz around town promising Beijing's own retro run of mod fashion.

8. Don't feel like you have to run all around town looking for fancy wine shops to satisfy your demands this New Year.

9. Some owners have to travel to the suburbs at the weekend and pay a handsome fee so their dogs can run around on private land.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. Analysts expect indices to hover around current levels in the short run until clearer direction emerges.

run around 英英释义


1. run around

1. play boisterously

    e.g. The children frolicked in the garden
           the gamboling lambs in the meadows
           The toddlers romped in the playroom

    Synonym: frolic lark rollick skylark disport sport cavort gambol frisk romp lark about
