
rumble [ˈrʌmbl]  [ˈrʌmbəl] 









rumble 基本解释

不及物动词隆隆作响; (车辆)辘辘行驶

及物动词低沉地说; 在滚筒里磨光或混合(金属零件); 看穿(阴谋)

名词隆隆声,辘辘声; 抱怨声; 吵闹声,喧哗声; (旧式汽车车厢后的)折叠加座

rumble 相关例句


1. He is insincere; I soon rumbled him.

2. He rumbled the wagon down the street.


1. The guns rumbled in the distance.

2. A wagon rumbled over the ground.

3. He rumbled to himself as he went out.


1. A rumble over inflation arose across the country.

rumble 网络解释

1. 噪声:*转盘噪声(rumble) 指同LP电唱盘有关连的一种低频噪声. *SACD(Super Audio CD) 超级音频CD(SACD)唱片系由日本索尼公司和荷兰飞利浦公司联手开发的一种新型CD唱片格式. 在CD唱片大小的光盘上,既可存贮CD音频又可录以高解析力的数字音频.

2. 隆隆:这之后不久,我们熟悉的第一 代汽车人战士基本上都出现了,比如探长(Hound) ,警车(prowl),蓝霹雳(Blue Streak),横炮(Sideswipe),幻影(Mirage)和开路先锋(Trailbreaker)等等;象照相机(Reflector),轰隆 隆(Rumble)等磁带兵都是这时出现的,

3. (低频)隆隆声:Rumba 伦巴 | Rumble (低频)隆隆声 | RV rendezvous 会聚点

rumble 词典解释

1. 低沉而持续的声音;隆隆声;轰隆声
    A rumble is a low continuous noise.

    e.g. The silence of the night was punctuated by the distant rumble of traffic...
    e.g. The rain was teeming down and she thought she heard a rumble of thunder.

2. 发着轰隆声缓慢移动
    If a vehicle rumbles somewhere, it moves slowly forward while making a low continuous noise.

    e.g. A bus rumbled along the road at the top of the path...
    e.g. A line of tractors rumbled onto the motorway through a cordon of police...

3. 低沉的声音
    If you refer to the rumble of someone's voice, you mean their voice sounds very low, making it hard to hear exactly what they are saying.

    e.g. Rose's voice dropped and was interrupted by the rumble of Dagmar's.

4. 发出隆隆声;发出持续而低沉的声音
    If something rumbles, it makes a low, continuous noise.

    e.g. The sky, swollen like a black bladder, rumbled and crackled...
    e.g. Speeches rumbled within the walls of the churches.

5. (肚子因饥饿而)咕噜作响,发出咕咕声
    If your stomach rumbles, it makes a vibrating noise, usually because you are hungry.

    e.g. Her stomach rumbled. She hadn't eaten any breakfast.

6. 看穿;发现;暴露
    If someone is rumbled, the truth about them or something they were trying to hide is discovered.

    e.g. When his fraud was rumbled he had just £20.17 in the bank.

相关词组:rumble on

rumble 单语例句

1. It became cloudy and there was a rumble of thunder, the seven families were becoming tense.

2. The rumble rose up fast, violently shaking our Chengdu hotel room to its core.

3. But there's an even newer import whose presence is as yet a distant rumble that's slowly taking the city by storm.

4. Flash floods also were inundating the area, and the rumble of a secondary landslide sent rescuers scurrying for safety.

5. The arguments for and against the death penalty run into volumes and perhaps will rumble on forever without unanimous agreement.

6. rumble

6. I've seen people get out of their vehicles ready to rumble.

7. Li's victory helped the Chinese juggernaut rumble on from where it left off on the opening day.

8. Residents of the nation's capital and its suburbs repeatedly lose power for extended periods as mere thunderstorms rumble through.

9. As she reached the open area on the first floor, the ground began to quiver and rumble.

10. The recriminations will rumble on but doping was not the scourge it had been in previous Games.

rumble 英英释义



1. a fight between rival gangs of adolescents

    Synonym: gang fight

2. rumble的解释

2. a servant's seat (or luggage compartment) in the rear of a carriage

3. a loud low dull continuous noise

    e.g. they heard the rumbling of thunder

    Synonym: rumbling grumble grumbling


1. to utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds

    e.g. he grumbled a rude response
           Stones grumbled down the cliff

    Synonym: grumble growl

2. make a low noise

    e.g. rumbling thunder

    Synonym: grumble
