
rulers ['ru:ləz]  ['ru:ləz] 


rulers 基本解释
统治者;直尺;尺( ruler的名词复数 );支配者;
rulers 网络解释


1. 标尺:8.使用过Photoshop的人,都知道标尺(rulers),网格(grids)以及指导(guides)是十分 有用的.在ae中,这个菜单中会给你提供这些. 9.后面的教程里,我们会谈到面板,框架和工作区域.这里你可以关闭,显示面板. 10.我们不可能讲到ae所有的功能特性,

2. 统治者:比如他认为对全球化来说,只有规则(rules),而没有统治者(rulers他提倡新思维,要求美国不再把世界其它国家当成对手,而是平起平坐的伙伴;他认为亚洲收取了冷战结束后最大的红利,因此美国根本没有必要对东亚的发展杞人忧天;

3. 尺:如图1-2-7所示.其中,有些工具图标的右下角有一个小黑三角形,代表那里实际上是一个工具组.单击该小三角形并按住鼠标左键不放,将打开该工具的同位工具组,看到更多功能各不相同的工具图标.标尺(Rulers)分为水平标尺和垂直标尺,

4. [显示标尺]:Show Extras Options[显示额外选项] | Rulers[显示标尺] | Snap[对齐]

rulers 单语例句


1. European football's rulers have been stung into action by criticism that fines now mean little to wealthy clubs and national associations.

2. The rulers and the establishment are using poor, brave soldiers as cannon fodder for the sake of a paltry sum in dollars.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Powerful capitalist groups even employ governments in the West, which makes these groups'bosses the real rulers of Western countries.

4. rulers

4. The rulers of the Qing - the last imperial dynasty in China - chose to put the family cemetery 128 km north of downtown Beijing.

5. In 1593 the Japanese rulers tried to coerce the Gaoshan people into paying tribute to them but this demand was firmly rejected.

6. Around 7 percent of Malaysia's 26 million people are ethnic Indians, whose forefathers were brought to the Southeast Asian country as labourers by British colonial rulers.

7. rulers的翻译

7. They are discovering everything from coins and everyday objects to colossal granite statues of Egypt's rulers and sunken temples dedicated to their gods.

8. The tribal leaders'declaration was made despite the interim central rulers'strong rejection and their promise to decentralize the government across the country.

9. Sirte was Muammar Gadhafi's home town where fighters with Libya's new rulers captured the dictator last week.

10. The assemblies of all states except for Sarawak were also dissolved Wednesday after the chief ministers sought consent from their respective rulers.
