rub along

rub along [rʌb əˈlɔŋ]  [rʌb əˈlɔŋ] 

rub along 基本解释

rub along是什么意思

<非正>勉强维持生活; <非正>关系融洽

rub along 相关例句


1. She was able to rub along by giving English lessons.

rub along 网络解释

rub along的意思

1. 勉强相处:rub against 摩擦 | rub along 勉强相处 | rub away 擦掉

2. 一起过日子;两人以上勉强地相处:rouse sb.for为......而唤醒某人 | rub along一起过日子;两人以上勉强地相处 | rub away 擦去、磨去......

3. 和谐相处:rub v.擦,摩擦 | rub along和谐相处 | rub off擦掉,擦破

rub along 词典解释

1. 与…保持友好关系;与…友好相处
    If two people rub along or if one person rubs along with another, they are able to live or work together in a fairly friendly way, usually when you would not expect them to.

    e.g. North and South had officials at the meeting and they rubbed along tolerably...
    e.g. Mr Nicholson respects soldiers, and he rubs along with them.

rub along 英英释义

rub along在线翻译


1. manage one's existence barely

    e.g. I guess I can squeeze by on this lousy salary

    Synonym: scrape along scrape by scratch along squeak by squeeze by
