1. 路线:从PDM的体系结构和在企业的实施情况分析,其功能主要包括以下几个方面:工作流程管理涉及到RonniMarshak的3R问题,即加工路线(Routes)、规则(Rules)和角色(Roles).
2. 采集线路图:修复背包整合错误;恢复任务查询(QuestLibrary)至1.9.22版;去除嘲讽助手(Tankalyze添加团队报警系统(RaidAlerter添加采集线路图(Routes添加宝石助手(GemHelper替换日常任务助手(QBar)为一键宏(IHML添加冷却中部提示(Ghost_CDP).
3. 航线:澳门国际机场专营股份有限公司组团参加本月廿五至廿七日在丹麦哥本哈根举行的第十一届世界航线(ROUTES)发展会议.
4. 采集路线计算:Recount 伤害统计(默认关闭) | Routes 采集路线计算 | SellFish 物品价格
1. An investigation found the delegation also tampered with business travel routes, adding a number of additional destination countries.
2. Habitats and routes of migratory birds and regions covered by rivers and lakes, or frequented by water fowl should be taken as the major monitoring points.
3. routes的解释
3. CAAC also decided to strip the company of some routes and flights in Yunnan and transfer the operations to other airlines.
4. For those who are less fit, three cable car routes can convey you up the hill sides.
5. routes的反义词
5. The CACC says there will be 270 direct flights and 32 regular flight routes between the mainland and Taiwan every week from September.
6. 911查询·英语单词
6. Four new subway routes went into operation, increasing the length of the capital city's subway to 442 kilometers.
7. Somali pirates seized a chemical tanker and a cargo vessel late on Monday, underlining the continued risk to shipping in some of the world's busiest trade routes.
8. The government also said the cargo capacity limits for Beijing and Shanghai would be raised, while the limits for other routes would be removed by summer 2007.
9. routes
9. The planes will be used on the carrier's routes between China and North America.
10. About 60 percent of the carrier's sales come from domestic flights, with the rest from international routes.