round the clock

round the clock [raund ðə klɔk]  [raʊnd ði klɑk] 

round the clock 基本解释

round the clock是什么意思

昼夜; 日夜; 夜以继日; 日以继夜

round the clock 网络解释

1. 一直;不停地:809. all the year round终年;一年到头 | 810. round the clock一直;不停地 | 811. as a rule通常

2. (围着时钟转 ):146 Roll That Bal(滚动那个球 ) | 147 Round The Clock(围着时钟转 ) | 148 Sally, Go' Round The Sun(萨利绕着太阳转 )

3. 不分昼夜:Rome was not built in one day. 罗马并非一天建成. | Round the clock 不分昼夜 | round-table conference 圆桌会议

4. 日日夜夜:156.royal road 捷径 | 157.round the clock 日日夜夜 | 158.rotten to the core 坏透了

round the clock 单语例句

1. We are working round the clock to take care of any problems.

2. Construction laborers worked round the clock to build venues before the deadline, volunteers practiced their most charming smiles until their jaws became sore.

3. A taskforce headed by the CIA is working through the material, combing it round the clock to find clues to plots that might already be underway.

4. Deng said the bureau has 45 rabies clinics that open round the clock for any dog injury emergencies and is planning to set up more.

5. Passengers are all local folks and rescuers are searching for those missing round the clock, according to the city's flood control and drought relief headquarters.

6. The cub was born on Tuesday morning, with Xi Xi clutching it tightly as experts monitor its progress round the clock.

7. Local governments set up special teams to work round the clock for emergencies during the festival period.

8. round the clock的近义词

8. The pace of construction for the 2008 Beijing Olympics has stepped up, with some key projects now running round the clock during the traditional Spring Festival.

9. round the clock

9. Their rooms are equipped with 11 closed circuit monitors to watch them round the clock.

10. The prime minister's Regions Party asked the court to work round the clock to establish clarity.

round the clock 英英释义


1. without stopping

    e.g. she worked around the clock

    Synonym: around the clock for 24 hours
