
roses ['rəʊzɪz]  ['roʊzɪz] 


roses 基本解释
玫瑰( rose的名词复数 );粉红色;蔷薇;粉红色的葡萄酒;
roses 网络解释


1. 玫瑰花:常出现山莓(raspberry)、玫瑰花(roses)和黑樱桃(blackcher ry)的气味. 经陈熟醇化阶段后,...这家殖民地风格的酒店俯瞰着壮丽的布拉瓦海岸(Costa Brava)一个漂亮的沙滩,距离罗斯(roses)风景如画的度假胜地的中心300米.

2. 蔷薇:蔷薇Roses, | 水仙Daffodils, | 海棠Begonia,

3. 玫瑰 /Dark Red 深玫瑰紅:2100 -- Roses / 玫瑰 /Dark Red 深玫瑰紅 | 2101 -- Jasmine / 茉莉 / Red Orange 橘紅 | 2102 -- Violets / 紫羅蘭 / Violet 深紫桃紅

roses 单语例句

1. There is something about the combination of good butter and the scent of roses that will turn teatime into an occasion.

2. If you do not like the aroma of roses, you can substitute with candied osmanthus.

3. The sidewalk was covered with melted candle wax, and roses were placed at the foot of a poster of Arafat.

4. Young Chinese spend lavishly on roses, chocolates and candlelight dinners with their sweethearts.

5. If the " Steel Roses " cannot go to London, it will certainly be a heavy blow.

6. roses的翻译

6. The roses were a more muted display, with the blooms carefully protected between layers of corrugated cardboard.

7. Also on show is Wildflowers and Roses, which won Shi the Carrousel du Louvre Salon 2010's special prize.


8. The roses soon became a lucrative cash crop as local farmers found a growing demand from the food processing industry.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. It has wild roses that go all the way up to the chimney and a garden full of jasmine.

10. Winning athletes will receive nine red roses, as red is the luckiest color and the number nine means everlasting in Chinese tradition.
