
rosary [ˈrəʊzəri]  [ˈroʊzəri] 


rosary 基本解释

名词<宗>玫瑰经; (天主教)念珠串,念珠(祈祷)

rosary 网络解释


1. 念珠:母亲的遗物是一串玫瑰念珠(注:玫瑰念珠(rosary)为天主教徒祈祷时用的念珠,由六颗大珠与五十三颗小珠,以及十字架所组成. )母亲曾是天主教徒.

2. 玫瑰园:[La Finia]完美呈现具有百年历史渊源的俄罗斯蛋(Faberge egg)在纯手工繁复的彩绘下,再镶上淡粉红色日本养珠环绕於周围,使玫瑰园(rosary)栩栩如生绽放,让您沉醉在浪漫花园中.

3. 罗萨丽:日语中发音与前作<舞-HIME>中千绘的姓氏'原田'(HARADA)相近.克鲁格(KRUGER),源于德语'KLUG'聪明之意,也与前作<舞-HIME>中'玖我'(KUGA)相近.卡丁鲁(CARDINAL),源于拉丁语'CARDO',是前作迫水的姓'开治'(KAIJI)的音变.罗萨丽(ROSARY),英语'玫瑰念珠'

4. 玫瑰經:玫瑰经(Rosary)并无一定格式或内容,本网页所载的是教会内最通用的一种. 任何人可以按自己的喜好、意向编成一串. 一种较可靠的说法是,教会早期(圣道明前数百年),一般修士(Monk)常吟唱150 篇的圣咏(诗篇),但对一些程度较低(文盲)的修士,

rosary 词典解释

1. (尤指天主教徒念经时用的)念珠;玫瑰经
    A rosary is a string of beads that members of certain religions, especially Catholics, use for counting prayers. A series of prayers counted in this way is also called a rosary.

    e.g. Estrada took a rosary from his tunic and ran the beads through the fingers of one hand...
    e.g. He's saying three rosaries a day.

rosary 单语例句

1. It suggested prayer might come in handy - performing the sign of the cross before starting off and saying the rosary along the way.

2. The short film has attracted criticism for its religious overtones, which include the'Poker Face'singer swallowing rosary beads whilst dressed as a nun.

3. His crossed hands clutched a rosary, and his pastoral staff was tucked under his left arm.

4. rosary在线翻译

4. But he never forgets the warnings of the elders and routinely prays with a rosary in hand every day.

5. The only accessory she carries is a string of rosary beads around her left wrist.

rosary 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. a string of beads used in counting prayers (especially by Catholics)

    Synonym: prayer beads
